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Introduction to Use Cases

Use cases are a popular way to capture system behavior is either the as-is or to-be domain. Use cases can be written on just about any project with significant user-system interactions, and they can capture usage at a wide range of detail level. Use cases can be an excellent companion to user stories and personas.

Introduction to Use Cases walks students through each step of writing a use case, from the initial naming considerations to the nuances of how best to write individual steps and deal with variations in step order. Optional material includes a look at similarities and differences between use cases and stories, and a brief introduction to use case diagrams.


The course works very well in private workshop settings, where the team not only learns to write use cases but also works on their own use cases as part of the class. The result is both learning about use cases and a set of draft use cases from just one session.





Anyone who writes, reviews, or performs work based on use cases.



Six hours, single day or multi-days

Instructor Led, Online or Onsite

By the end of this course, participants should:


  • Define use case and know how use cases relate to usage scenarios, usage models, use conditions, and other related artifacts

  • State the benefits behind use case development

  • Write use cases at various levels of abstraction using a common format

  • Add pre-conditions, post-conditions, and exceptions to a simple use case

  • Explain and use the Use Case State Model

  • Validate use cases with stakeholders using scenarios

  • Know where to find more information on topics presented


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